Just Keep Swimming
You decided that there can't be any harm in taking a little swim, so you jump into the pool and head toward the tunnel. As you look into the tunnel, you see an unmistakeable glimmer; at the end of the tunnel (and it's a long tunnel) is a key. Perhaps even THE key! You swim toward it eagerly.
When you reach the key, you find that it's housed in a large underwater dome. Leading off of the dome are multiple passages. You glance back, and can clearly identify yours. In fact, the pool you entered from is still visible, if barely. You're running a little low on air, but you're sure you'll be able to make it back the way you came. You grab the key.
The instant you touch the key, a metal doorway slams shut over the tunnel you entered from. Immediately after that, an eerie music fills the chamber. The Voice speaks. Despite the fact that you're underwater and he's competing with the creepy music, you can hear him perfectly, as if he was inside your head. Actually, maybe he IS in your head. Maybe this whole situation is a hallucination. That would be nice. You can't drown in a hallucination.
"Congratulations! You've found the key to the Western Door. Unfortunately, you're underwater and you can't get out the way you came in. But nothing worth having is easy, now is it? You should be happy to know, if you drown here, you won't die. You'll just become one of...them."
On "them," a swarm of eerie figures emerge from the passageways. They're merpeople! Well, in retrospect, that was to be expected. They begin to circle you, like sharks before a feeding frenzy, an unnerving comparison if there ever was one. You look around. You're trapped in an underwater maze, and there are way too many passages for you to make a logical choice. You might as well just swim randomly and hope for the best. But...is there a better way?
Written by Zodiac on 01 June 2008