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A new friend... star star star emptystar emptystar

You smell something new and yet strangely familiar. You turn to see what you least expected - a gorgeous vixen. She is about your age, and although she is most certainly female, she has the smell of a male fox on her, which smells just like her!


Might it be that she was once male just as you were once female?


You smell a change in her attitude as she notices you, and though neither of you can speak, you can tell that she's beckoning to you. You don't know what to do. Although the male-fox part of you is definitely interested, the female-human part of you is repulsed at the thought. But if your behaviour will adapt to your new form over time, and you're both staying here for a time, what point is there in fighting it? What will you do?

Illustrated by Magic Kitsune

Written by nothingsp on 28 December 2004

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