"That'd be nice."
(based on a RP with Arrow)
You go in and the button is pressed. The smoke surrounds you
"I hopes this works" you think.
The smoke clears and the door opens.
you looks at yourself, before stepping out.
You see that your anthro but the machine has also made you female.
You stare your beak hanging open.
"Well, that wasn't ment to happen" says Kim.
"...yeah, don't think so..." you reply.
"Want to try a diffent button?" Kim asks.
"...not sure...this is pretty nice..."
"really?" he asks.
"Well, the anthro hawk thing."
"not the gender thing?"
"Yeah...no offense."
"I know the feeling. "Maybe their are instructions for the machine somewhere around here?" he says as he looks around.
Written by catprog on 22 May 2008