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welcome to the Furance star star star emptystar emptystar

you slither to the door marked Fire. you go down some stairs, and find yourself in the Furnace room. the voice starts talking again. "if you pass through the heating system unharmed, your transformation will be helpful. if you get harmed during this trail, your transformation will be unhelpful."
the unseen crowd seems to have changed tone. instead of sounding like a lot of drunken high teens, who would like to have sex with any female, they sound like people who would like to see SOMEONE die. go through a room with a furnace was the challenge, you think. how hard could it be?
after your about half way across the room, the furnace explodes. a giant Fire Demon emerges, and tries to burn you. also, the floor starts to get warm, and some parts of it have already caught on fire.
you climb up one of the many pillars, to escape the fire floor.
You need to get to the exit, but the demon is blocking your way, and the room is starting to be engulfed in flame.

Written by werebeagle on 23 March 2008

The end (for now)

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