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Mother...... star star star star emptystar

The voice never responds. In fact, it never does.


Your mind tries to focus but only the echo comes, "I shall choose for you."


You have doubt it ever will.


What will?


What's going on?


You see a light. There's a force coming down on you. Gentle. friendly. Comforting.


You see a light. You feel fear. Lonely. Immobile. Cold.


You feel air and cough. Your body hurts. Your are blinded by the light. You feel weight and gravity.


The words resonate again but you can't understand.


The first words you hear are you remember for a long time:


"Congratulation! It's a healthy, beautiful girl!"


You feel your mother's warm embrace as she coos softly to you, "I can't wait to show you the world, little one." She looks to the man you know now is your Father as your mother says, "Are we truly ready for this? We'll have to think for her and teach her everything. Oh, she's crying." She tearfully touches her finger to your nose.


The nurse gently pulls you away. "We'll take good care of her. You just get some rest, Miss Glade. You and your husband can see the baby in the morning."


You have a thought from somewhere deep in your mind. All the thought does is give you a feeling you will not have to worry about making a decision for a long, long time.

Written by minerva on 23 January 2008

but your new parents advance your age a little

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