"Hmmm," you hiss softly, marveling at how you can hiss a sound without any sibilants in it. "Can I call a friend?"
"No you can't!" the voice splutters. "Do you think this is Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? or something??"
"No, it looks more like Who Wants To Be A Naga? But I seem to have won that one already."
The unseen (but definitely not unheard!) crowd goes wild. "How about polling the audience?" you ask. This makes the crowd go double wild, and you can make out individual shouts like "Yeah, poll me baby!" Most of them sound like young males, and considering you are a hot female for the duration, the idea may not be so great after all.
Funny, there seems to be a group out there chanting "Take 'em off!" You weren't aware that you had anything more to take off. They must be overdosed on testosterone or something...
Written by Won-Tolla on 02 December 2007
The end (for now)