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On Top of the World star star star star star

You stare at the clouds for a moment, dazed by the sudden changes that brought you here. It takes a moment for your mind to catch up. A lot has happened in the last few minutes.


First of all, you're on a ship floating in the sky. That's not somewhere you end up every day. What is this place? Where are you going? How, exactly, does a floating ship work? Is there anyone else on board? Anything past the clouds?


<span class="female">Second, and possibly even more surprising, you're a dragon. </span>Golden and scaly, with wings and a tail and possibly the ability to breathe fire. (You try, but all that comes out is a coughing noise. Maybe it takes practice.) The wings are what excite you the most. You can't even count how many times you've dreamed of being able to fly, and now you can - in fact, you already have, if you count that short hover back in the costume room. You try it again. Sure enough, it takes only the slightest flap of your new wings to lift you off the deck of the ship. The wood clicks against your claws as you come back down. Your tail starts swishing back and forth in excitement, and you laugh out loud when you notice it.


You have a ship sailing through the clouds. You have wings, and the whole sky in which to use them. Which will it be, then - explore the ship, or try some real flying?

Written by Chrysalis on 22 November 2008

Explore the ship

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