Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Starting Reality
You stare blankly at the ceiling. Your tired body weighed heavy on your bed. How many nights has it been since you considered jumping from this reality? Ten? Twenty? A hundred? To break out of the monotony of this tiring life.
Work was the only constant as friends drifted apart. Colleagues moved on from the role while family members became more estranged. And here you are. Not changing. Not moving. Just going along with the flow of life, waiting for a miracle to happen.
You stretched out your hand, raising it high up. It would be so easy. So easy to leave this reality behind and go into a more fun one. But somewhere something was stopping you. The fear of leaving the comfortable mundane life for some unknown scary one was gigantic. And so you set yourself a limit.
On your calendar you wrote: ‘After two hundred consecutive nights, I will hop into a better reality.’ It was meant to act as a threat, to confirm and scare off that pesky possibility of running away to a new world.
Yet as you marked another cross on the date, you realized it had been two hundred long weary days. Nothing new happened. Nothing much has changed. And your motivation to improve in this reality has dwindled down to a stop.
You sighed as you lied in your bed. Your hands were feeling a little tingling from the excitement of change. Some revolutionary change to flip your whole world upside down. Sure, it won’t be as convenient or safe as this one. But it was worth a shot to cure your everlasting despair.
As you lay flat on your bed, you chanted out the spell to separate your body and your soul. You set your destination to a fantastical world, filled with magic and wonder. With each breath, you slowed your heart beat, relaxing your body. As your body relaxed, bit by bit, your soul lifted above it. Your soul’s appearance was exactly like your physical body.
Medium height, average guy with brown hair and panda eyes. A fair bit of muscles after going to the gym for a couple of months, while your face looked completely average. Or mid like the kids would say. Your soul felt so much lighter out of the body, like a feather compared to the heavy physical body.
You looked down at your peaceful body, wondering what would happen to it. The last time you hopped into another reality and came back, your body was in the middle of clubbing, trying to hook up with some girls. Guess other reality hoppers would use your body as a result. With one final look, you wished that the next reality hopper could enjoy his life better than he could.
Written by lim2357 on 27 October 2024
A bright green color beckoned you, asking you to dive deep into its world. You could hear the spells being fired from it, with mystical creatures and adventurers walking around. But something wasn’t quite right. You could feel your fingers tingling, before getting pulled towards it.
Your nails grow longer out, becoming both sharper and longer. This was a first, you tried to calm yourself down. Maybe, this was just some weird side effect going into a fantasy world. Maybe, you were getting the mana system into your body, allowing you to cast spells. With that reassuring thought, you calmed yourself down.
Your hands started feeling prickly, like needles being poked down on your hands. You wondered how long it was going to take, usually hoping into another reality would take an instant. Then you looked back at your previous attempts, realizing that your soul was changed to fit the body.
Wait, but inside a fantastical world like here, that would mean.. You gasped in shock, were you changing into another race. As your mind tried to list down the various races that you saw in media, your body quietly softened. The muscles that were once there slowly smoothened while your broad shoulders narrowed down.
A prick from behind your neck caused you to wince in pain. What was that about? As you touched the wounded area, your hands came into contact with soft fur. Your own fur. Were you becoming some sort of beastkin? Alright, that was exciting! You glanced back at your hands, now your nails were becoming your claws.
But surprisingly your hands were becoming smaller and softer? You petted yourself to feel the silky touch of your orange fur. Oh, a fox. That was a classic, maybe that explained why you were shrinking down so much.
As you explored your body, your face smoothened while your teeth bore fangs. Your orange fur turned darker, spreading throughout your body like hives. Now as you flipped your hands, paw pads popped up. You squished them, feeling the softness.
Your waist widened, feeling a pokey feeling at the back of your back like something was trying to grow out. That must be your tail! But why did your waist widen? And where did all your muscles go? Strangely, your little sword was nowhere to be found either.
Then it clicked with your tail springing out of your back. Two of them in fact as you hugged them in their glory coziness. But you looked over at your chest, waiting for them to appear. Sizable breasts ballooned from your chest, giving a firm structure to them. They bounced a little as your last set of changes arrived.
Your lips stretched out painfully, so much so you shed a tear, as you watched your mouth become a muzzle. Your new canines could be seen while your whiskers appeared right on them. Your eyes turned hazel brown and your hair turned crimson red.
Once all the changes were done, you heaved a sigh of relief. Blinking your eyes, you admired your new soul. Your tails curled around your new peach-size bosoms, making you blush a little. Sure, these were your breasts and tails but you haven’t exactly thought of yourself as a woman yet. It’s like a man intruding into the woman’s bathroom, very much an embarrassing situation.
Still you have to wonder. For someone with such a beautiful body, why did she reality hopped away? Was it because of similar reasons to yourself? Or maybe something more serious.
Written by lim2357 on 28 October 2024
The green light shone on your body once more, sucking you into a new world of fantasy. Your world seemed to spring to life, where its monochrome grays suddenly were replaced with color. Just for a split moment, you could see the whole world, from its denizens in their medieval castles to the majestic legendary creatures that lived in the deep jungle. Before you had a chance to even begin processing, your soul grew weary, falling into a deep slumber.
As you woke up, you found yourself in a comfortable dorm room, with warm dirt brown wooden walls surrounding you. You pinched your orange fur, trying to ensure that this wasn’t just some hallucination of yours. Yep, it hurts.
Glancing around, you could see that this was a private minimalistic room. Various thick textbooks stacked on top of one another on the desk while a small calendar hung on the side. It reads 2nd Freka with its date highlighted in red. In that same column, all the dates were red before moving onto the next row. You figured it must be a weekend of sorts, heaving a sigh of relief. It would be awkward for you to enter into class, completely clueless about this world. What even is a Freka? December?
A gust of cold wind brushed against your fur as you huddled almost on instinct in your warm blanket. Guess it was winter now. You then noticed how soft it was, was this silk? Wait, it's actually silk. God damn she was also rich. But that added to the mystery, why would someone leave their comfortable life?
As you got out of bed, clumsily still trying to balance yourself with your new hindpaws, you turned back to see a bloody incomplete magic circle. Arcanic symbols written on its circumference, leaving a message in dark red behind in its dead center: “I’m sorry.”
Your body trembled upon the sight of it. Goosebumps appeared on your arms. Your tails quickly froze as you tried to understand what had just happened. Was this their way of reality hopping? It has to be right?
Once you regained your balance on your two hindpaws, your tails swished back to normal, knocking over a red book beside your pillow. You grabbed the book with your paws, still feeling like an alien. Everything was all so sensitive from your squishy paw pads and your twin tails that brushed against the surfaces of your bed.
You squinted at the book, making out the faint faded text as “My Diary”. Fortunately, you could still understand the words as proper English. You flipped through the yellow faded pages, noticing how violent and dark the words were. Once you came to the end, the pages were torn out with the final message of how sorry she was to her mother.
With your sharp claws, you carefully flipped back to the start. You returned back to your bed, your fur fluffing up in response to the cold. There, you start to uncover her story.
From the start, she was talking about how excited she was to attend Eratix school of magic. She wrote her dreams of becoming a witch and how she was going to protect her land with all sorts of spells. Her words had a certain lightness to it that you felt. Like her joy and hopes were being etched onto the pages. You smiled a little, she reminded you of youth. One that you wished you had, the childlike naivety to embark on your dreams.
Yet life was cruel. In one of the paragraphs she wrote out:
“Dear Diary,
Today was rough. Very rough. Today, we had an aptitude test to test our affinity for magic with two parts: Mana Pool and Manipulation.
It is exactly what it sounded like. Mana Pool being the amount of mana your body can carry for a day. Mana Manipulation being the usable mana to cast spells.
And I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Being the bastardized daughter of Count Lewis was bad enough for my reputation. Being a kitsune on top of that was the deal breaker for most. It’s fine. I could live with all of their disdain glares and insults. But this. I needed this.
As I went forward to the crystal, it lit up a bright blue. I calmed myself and tried to control the mana inside the crystal, only for it to be unresponsive. And their eyes. Their damn eyes. All of them lit up as if food had just been served.
They were right. At the end of the class, they showed our results, revealing that I was the last on the list. My mana pool was more like an ocean apparently, which caused my mana manipulation to be absolutely non-existent.
The worst part? Mrs Delli talked to me after class. With pity in her eyes, she told me that it would be very difficult for me to become a spell caster and that I should change into something easier.
But it’s fine. These were tiny setbacks. I can still live with them.
Yours Truly,
Written by lim2357 on 01 November 2024