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Sleep in the village star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>By the end of the day, you're quite thoroughly stuffed -- with meat and with information both. Just as well that the sun set when it did; it was getting harder and harder for you to pay attention to the deformed humans, especially once you realised that the humans had run out of interesting new data to offer. <br/> <br/>You follow the villagers and are quite annoyed when they offer you a stable—a stable, for the love of Bast!—to sleep in. Stupid humans, why can't they have a proper bed for you? You almost re-cast the anthropomorphising spell so you can sleep under a proper roof—until you remember that the spell's duration is much too short. You'd change back to centauric form before the night was a third over; not a good thing to do in a human-style bed! <br/> <br/>You look over the horses and glare at the human who guided you here. "I hope you don't expect me to share with the animals," <br/> <br/>The human looks mortified. "O-of course not, great one! Allow me to rectify our error." And with that, the human leads the lesser creatures off to Bast knows where; you certainly don't care, other than that they're not going to be sleeping in the same building as you. The meat-drunkenness is strong in you, so it's easy for you to just lie down and lose consciousness... <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 22 October 2010

Female In the morning

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