Maybe she can tell me where I am...
You figure that you can find something to eat later. Right now, your priority is to find out where you are and what is going on!
You start to walk to the female Utahraptor. She looks somewhat attractive.
"Hey!" you say.
She looks up from her drink.
"You're not Twobar!" she says.
"Twobar?" you say, nonplussed.
"You don't have the bars in your arm feathers, and you sure don't look like an alpha! You Twobar's brother or something?"
"Then I'd suggest you clear out of his territory!" she says, "Twobar's pack has a reputation for not tolerating loners."
"Loners?" you wonder. Are "loners" raptors without packs?
"If I'm a loner, then what are you?" you ask.
She breaks into a hearty laugh.
"Didn't your mama tell you females can't be loners? I'm a roamer! I'm hoping to get into Twobar's pack!"
"Sorry," you say. Maybe now isn't the best time to reveal you're human. "I must've walked into his territory by mistake. I'm kinda lost at the moment. Could you tell me how I can get out of his territory?"
"Apart from the mountains, all the area around here is claimed by various Grey alphas with Blues mucking about here and there..." she remarks.
You look at your own grey feathers and remember the "mini-yous'" blue feathers and realize that "greys" must be Utahraptors and "blues" must be the "mini-yous".
"...you might try the beach, but there've been an awful lot of ridgebacks hanging around there of late..."
"Wait, why can't I go into the mountains?" you remark, looking up to the rather short mountains above you, "They don't look that treacherous!"
"You don't know about the mountains?!" she says, incredulous, "Nobody's ever gone into the mountains have made it back alive! Even the ridgebacks stay clear of 'em! If I were you, I'd take my chances with the ridgebacks on the beach! At least there's some chance of survival!"
Where so you go? Head into the mysterious mountains and risk vanishing? Blunder into another grey's territory? Head to the beach and risk provoking the dreaded "ridgebacks"? What do you do?
Written by on 26 February 2014