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Pull, stretch, pinch, and every other efforts to try to take the costume off. None is working. This can’t be happening! You really are an antropomorphic bear from the grizzly species! Or whatever the biology term for that is, you’re never good at that subject and not like it matters at the moment anyway.


In panic, you tried to look for clues, reasoning, waiting for someone to pop out from somewhere and say it’s only a joke and you’re under a hypnotize or something right now. You screamed for help because you still want to be a human and a guy!


But none of those are working. You even found out that your voice have turned to a high-pitched, very girly, voice during those screams. You’re definitely a female bear!


What to do next? Leave the place and try to find a way to return to your manly human form or stay put and wait for someone to come? Maybe you can have some explaining from someone if you wait, but maybe you can also find out what’s happening if you leave and explore.

Written by kelingking2 on 25 April 2016

Both I Should Accept My Fate

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