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You woke up with a start, rolling off the bed as the glass from the window shattered and flew out. By the time you got back on your feet, another explosion rang out and laid you out on the floor. Hoping none of the glass pierced you, you slowly sat up, staying low to the floor and retreated to the living room part of Guilmon’s hut. Naturally, your first instinct was to see what was going on.


Heading out the door, you saw some of the village ablaze, the fire illuminating the early night sky. Everyone else was lying on the ground in various positions, some also trying to get back on their feet while others were too hurt (or scared) to move. You also spotted a small crater a short distance ahead. Your eyes went wide. You stumbled backwards, trying to comprehend the horror before you. “What the heck? W-What’s going on!?”


Your question was soon answered when a small, round object suddenly flew through all the remaining clouds of smoke and dust and landed on the ground. Immediately, it exploded, throwing everyone near the site farther backwards. The shockwave sent you back into the house. “A-Are you kidding me?! We’re under attack!”


You weighed your options. Stay inside or go out in the open and run away. Staying inside made you less of a target, but if Guilmon’s hut collapsed with you in it, game over. Making a break for it made you a target for a bomb or shrapnel, but at least you could get away to safety. “It’s lose-lose either way…” You groaned, holding your head and sitting up.

Written by grade-amasterpiece on 09 April 2016

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