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In the mirror emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and a soft breeze blowing across your face.


“Urgh. What the… heck?” You groaned weakly, feeling the oppressiveness of nature in the morning. “Where am I- Oh, goodness, way too bright.”


You lifted hands – or, rather, claws up – to cover your face and shield it from the harsh glare of the morning sun before slowly sitting up.


“Hey, wait a second here…” At this point, you noticed something amiss. It was early Spring, so the sun should not be this powerful. You also never let your window open to allow breezes unless you really needed to. Yesterday night was not one of those rare moments.


You tried to open your eyes without using your hands as shields, only to immediately slam them shut again to keep out the sudden bombardment of sunlight. Yet another amorally. Your window to the room was on the back wall. There was no way the light could be shining in your face.


Hanging your head down so your face was aligned with what you hoped to be the room floor, you blinked your eyes clear. You ran one of your hands vigorously down your face, forehead, and even chin in attempt to get yourself completely awake and investigate the cause of the mysteriously harsh sunlight.


Your eyes got big as saucer plates. Your hands were still furry with claws. Yep, you were still a Renamon. This wasn’t a dream. Last night was harsh reality.


With a shriek, you immediately jumped up. Maybe a little too fast as all the blood suddenly rushed out of your brain. Losing your balance, you frantically grabbed for something to brace up against. The first thing you found was a huge tree.

Written by grade-amasterpiece on 31 March 2016

Freak Out

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