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"I have to make the kill though?" emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"I have to make the kill though?"


"Don't worry. I'll advise you, and the rest will come naturally." The tiger smiled lightly and beckoned you to follow. Without warning, he dashed into the jungle and threatened to leave you behind. 


Your eyes widened with momentary alarm before you followed him in hot pursuit. You tried running last night, but you had still felt clumsy in your new body. Your confusion and fears had blocked your true instincts from revealing themselves, and even now, your heart thudded rapidly in your chest as you picked up speed. The plants were rushing past you on both sides as you pounded through the undergrowth. The breeze rippled through your fur, and your tail trailed behind you like a magnificent banner of orange and black. You heard the male tiger up ahead, crashing through the jungle. You were gaining on him, and his pawsteps were growing louder with each breath. Then all at once, they came to a stop. You burst through a plant with massive leaves and stood on the edge of a clearing. The tiger waited off to the side, studying you with an intense stare. 


Even if you felt powerful, your sides were heaving with exertion. You shook off the exhaustion and felt your vigor returning. 


"You're swift," he observed.


"I felt like I was flying." 


The male snorted at that comment and turned away. "You're not a bird." 


You narrowed your eyes and growled at the tiger, but he ignored the growl and padded in the opposite direction. Why run off like that? The tiger appeared unphased by the dash. Was he toying with you? This tiger, you would never understand him. They were setting off to accomplish something very serious, yet he wanted to have races through the jungle. They needed their strength! Returning to normal was more important than this. 

Written by falconess22 on 03 April 2016

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