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"You could have woken me up." emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"You could have woken me up."


"I know, but you really needed your rest, especially with what we plan to do. This magic, it takes a lot out of us." 


"Tell me about it," you grumbled. After you finished your breakfast, you stood and drifted over to the makeshift map on the wall. "Which village are we going to?" 


"It's the tiny one, lucky for us. The shaman was probably ostracized from the main village. Magic is pretty taboo in their culture." He sorted the meats and placed them off to the side. Then, he grabbed the deer around the hooves and dragged it toward the entrance of the cave. "If you're ready, we can get going." 


You followed the tiger and ignored the blood trailing behind the dead deer. The rocks seemed to be stained with blood. It had been too dark last night to notice. "Why can't we use that pelt?" 


"I maimed it. I didn't know that we'd need it." 


"That's a shame." 


"The magic will probably work better if you make the kill yourself."


"Make the kill?"


"Well, you're exchanging one life for another, take life to give life." 


You hadn't thought of it that way. 


The tiger tossed the deer off to the side where the smaller critters could decompose the creature and return its energies to the earth. He padded over to the pool and washed the blood from his large paws. "Might as well get a drink while we're here. There are rivers scattered throughout the jungle, but I think this water is the freshest, not tainted by the humans." 


Humans, the way he said it like they're a pest. You suppressed a shiver and joined the tiger by the pool, lowering your mouth to the pool's cool surface. The water rushed down your throat and invigorated you with renewed energy. 


"I'll take you to where I hunt. There's almost always deer there during this time of the year when the grass is lush."

Written by falconess22 on 02 April 2016

"I have to make the kill though?"

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