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Press on emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to press on. Sure things look the same now but you are sure that they’ll look a bit different as you get deeper into the forest. As long as you head straight you’re sure that nothing will go wrong!


You can’t help but go over in your mind again just how awkward all of this is. The costumes... Becoming female... You wonder for a moment what it would have been like if you had chosen one of the other costumes. Would things have been easier? Harder? Is anyone else going through the same sort of chaos that you were?


So many things run through your mind as you walk along, left to your own devices. The birds overhead almost seem mocking in their cries. Your ears pin against your skull and you glare up at them, losing focus of what is in front of you. It isn’t until you are sent tumbling head over heels that your focus returns to the ground.


With a load “oof” you land hard, head spinning. At least this time you don’t lose consciousness. But what did you trip over?


Glancing back behind you your eyes fall upon a muscular and rather large badger anthro. She sits up with narrowed eyes, casting a glare in your direction. You swallow hard, hoping that you’re not about to be pounding into a little pulp.


“Well wha’ do we ‘ave ‘ere?” Her speech is laced with a thick accent, her voice, luckily, not as angry as you expect it to be.


Deciding it is for the best you apologize to the badger.


She lets out a barking laugh, shaking her head. “Bah! Can’ stay mad at a wee li’l thang like yurself.” The badger gets up, rising to a great height above you. She doesn’t seem to be threatening at least.


“New ta the forest l’il one?” The badger asks.


Deciding to test your luck once more you explain the situation to the badger, who frowns deeply in thought.


“A hooman ya say. Well lesse... Mayhaps yur best bet is jus’ livin’ out yur new life as a mousen.”


Just trying to live your new life as a mouse... It isn’t really something you had considered. It certainly isn’t the answer you are looking for. But you figure you could give it a try. It doesn’t look like you are going to become human again any time soon so it is better to make the best of things.


“Ya know... Thar is a goo’ mousen friend of mine ove’ yonder. Let’s go see ‘im.”

Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 20 January 2016

Go with the Badger

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