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Run emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You can’t stay here -- what if it’s a predator? Which seems very likely considering the lack of other animal sounds at the moment!


So you turn tail, starting to run deeper into the forest. Leaves, twigs, and other flora are crushed underpaw. Your breath comes fast, flight being the only reasonable action in this situation. You don’t even dare to look over your shoulder; you can already hear something chasing after you.


The sound of your pursuer gets closer and closer. The trees are moving past you at a blurring pace, and the sound of your own heartbeat is pulsing in your ears. You keep running, throwing everything you have into getting away from whatever it is that is chasing you.


But it is not enough. You feel something collide with your back and you tumble forward, hitting the ground hard. A frightened squeak leaves your lips as your head is pushed the ground, a low, rumbling voice now heard.


“Not fast enough, child.”


The voice of a male, that much was certain. He is holding you down, sitting upon your back. You try to struggle, writhing your body against the ground to try and wriggle out from under him. But it is not enough. You let out another cry, this time as he pushes down harder upon your head to keep you from struggling.


“That’s quite enough.” The man on top of you growls. He grabs your arm, forcing you over onto your back. You find yourself looking up into the face of an older male mouse, scruffy and rough looking. There is a scar running down from his right ear to the bridge of his nose.


You find yourself frozen in place, staring up at this man. You have no idea what he wants from you, but you’re sure that you’re about to find out.


“You’re lucky I found you. Now, you can either come quietly or this can get even uglier.”

Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 14 January 2016

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