Once you have reached the end of the corridor, the bright light ends up leading to a field. You sigh and feel relieved that it was nothing crazy. There is a grassy plain all around you except for something in the distance looking like a city. Not turning back, you decide to head out to the city to see what you can learn. You have no idea how the locals would act. Still, you press on. You realise you are nude, so remaining unseen is your best option. Some time passes and you reach the city and manage to enter it though an alleyway. You look around and notice it looked a lot like home. Checking your surroundings, you find a box that is filled with thrown out clothes. You quickly go through them, looking to see what will fit your new body. Eventually you find some clothes that fit, making sure to use any left-over clothes, so you can hide your ears, tail and your face as much as you can.
Once that is settled, you venture into the city proper. It is filled with tall sky scrapers, a bustling city, and population. You take a look, noticing that there is a mix of humans, like you once were, and animals like yourself, that can walk upright, wear clothes and talk. Knowing this you remove what you used as a disguise as there is no point of you hiding anything from anyone. You begin to cautiously integrate with the locals, trying to know what is up. Though out the whole ordeal, you do not tell them about what happened to you and tried to act casual. Things are not looking so bad after all. You have a fresh start that you can use to your advantage.
You have no ID.
No family.
No (current) Responsibilities.
This is a good opportunity to start anew, and dam right you are going to take it.
Written by Nefrette on 08 January 2016
The end (for now)