
In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Water Creatures
You find yourself in what appears to be a glass room deep in the ocean.
The stairs are blocked by a force field.
You realise you have to go through one of the three dark blue doors numbed 1,2 & 3.
What door do you want?
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Myth Water
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for Element: Water
Type: Myth
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 01 January 1970
Female Myth Water
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are myth water creatures.<P/><small>
- A shell which you assume belongs to some giant tortoise. (thanks to Mr.Peaches) <span class="female"><li>Hippocampus</li></span>
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
You see a collection of items. As you walk towards them every other costume disappears.
- A tablet.
- A wig of blonde hair
- A padded seashell bra
- And a fish tail
Suddenly you here a large crack and look up to see water creeping in.
You swallow the tablet and try and speak but your voice has changed.
You put on the wig and it attaches itself to your head and you can't get it off.
You put on the bra and watch as your <span class="male">new</span> breasts replace the padding.
The last thing you put on is the fish tail , when you put it on you feel your legs kind of melt and form into the tail.
By the time the water has finished rushing in the transformation is complete and you swim out into the ocean.
Written by on 28 March 2005
a distant figure
You stare at the distant figure curiously; who or what could it be? You beat your tail, and almost do a somersault.
With a giggle, you get yourself back under control: it looks like swimming with a tail isn’t as easy as it looks! More carefully now, you start swimming toward the distant figure; you can’t really make out its shape in the water, it seems almost to be shaped like a bell for a moment, but then its outline changes, and then again, making guessing impossible.
Still more curious, you swim faster to get closer, and it grows bigger before you, its outline blurring as you draw nearer. Confused, you come to a halt, idly flicking your tail to stay afloat in place, but the figure continues to get bigger; after a moment, you realize that it is coming toward you!
You start to turn away, then hesitate, not knowing what it is, but you look at it and you get a bad feeling from it.
You turn and start to swim away, beating your tail; you glance over your shoulder, but the figure still gains on you: now it has changed again, turning all black, and you see long tentacles stretching out of it toward you!
You swim as fast as you can away from it; ahead of you is a coral reef, rising up out of the sandy ocean bed; you swim toward that as fast as you can, hoping to find someplace to hide.
You dive down toward the nearest part of the reef; you see several dark holes almost like small caves; your heart pounds in your breast, your breath is ragged in your gills; you are growing tired, and you can feel the thing behind you drawing closer, its bow wave already reaching you.
Then before you, you see other mermaids! They are lounging on the rocks and corals, scattered about the reef before you.
“Help!” you cry. Please help me!”
The mermaids look up and see you and the creature chasing you; with a scream, they scatter, running every which way to get away from the creature.
Written by J-B-Hickock on 02 December 2014
Swim to a hole
But you can’t watch them go: you race toward the nearest dark hole, gasping for breath.
You make it! You dive into the narrow dark hole just ahead of your pursuer, but the hole is shallow, barely a few feet deep; you have to stop yourself to avoid hitting your head on the end of the hole, but before you can turn around, you feel a tentacle grab you by the tail.
“No!” you cry, scrabbling for a hold on the rough coral. “Let me go!”
But the tentacle’s grip on you is too strong; it pulls you out into the open water, and you finally get a good look at your captor: it is an octopus, a giant octopus, at least twelve feet long with thick muscular tentacles that it wraps around your body, pinning your arms to your sides; it swiftly changes color before your eyes, trying to blend into its surroundings; this must be why you couldn’t tell what it was before.
Now you struggle against its tight grip on you, but the tentacles only close tighter around you, making you gasp for breath. What will happen next?!!
Written by J-B-Hickock on 03 December 2014
You moan helplessly as the giant octopus squeezes you; you gasp for breath, practically feeling your ribs start to creak.
The octopus brings you closer to it, holding you up, close to its tiny it: it stares at you for a moment, and you can almost feel it considering you. Then it lowers you down, down among its tentacle; you look up and see a giant snapping beak between the roots of the octopus' tentacles; it threshes the water as the tentacles bring you closer and closer to it: the octopus means to eat you!
"Help!" you scream, struggling uselessly against the octopus' hold; it draws you inexorably closer to its beak, until the sharp point is inches from your staring eyes.
You close your eyes, afraid to see the end, then the octopus shudders; something smelling terribly floats through the water, and its grip on you suddenly loosens.
You fight your way free from the limp tentacles, and look up to see a merman swimming over you, a long trident held clutched in his right long-fingered hand. He has bronzed skin stretched tight over a sculpted heavily-muscled torso, broad shoulders and long arms bulging with muscle, a short gray beard trimmed sloce covers his chin, and his long hair of the same color floats about his shoulders in long plaits with sea shells and bits of sea glass bound up in his hair. His lower half is a long and sinuous finned tail, covered in red scales that shimmer in the dim light.
Below him, the octopus is slowly sinking to the sea bed, its tentacle hanging limply beneath it, almost translucent blood pouring out through a gaping wound in its side.
"These deuced octopodes!" he curses. Perhaps it is only the sudden release of pressure from the loosening of the octopus' tentacles, but his voice seems oddly tinny to your ear, as if he were speaking through a cardboard tube. He grins at you. "Not any danger to you when Harmakles is about, eh, sea maiden?" he asks, grinning broadly, revealing a mouth full of shining white teeth. "What is your name?"
"Well, it's-" you begin.
"Never mind!" he interrupts you. "No time to lose!" He holds his hand out to you. "Come with me, sea maiden! We have a place to be!"
You stare at him, confused by the swift turn of events, uncertain; on the one hand, he did just save your life, and he is a very handsome merman, you feel a little shiver, staring at his muscled chest, remembering your earlier thought about finding a merman. On the other hand, there is a certain look in his eyes that- maybe it is only your imagination, but it looks somehow unwholesome to you.
Will you go with him, or not?
Written by J-B-Hickock on 04 December 2014
Go with Him
"Okay!" you say to Hermakles. "I'll go with you!" You hold out your hand and he takes it in his.
He smiles at you. "Good!Come then!" He turns and leads you away after him, swimming further, deeper into the reef.
"Where are we going?" you ask him, glancing around curiously as you swim along, staring at the multitude of colors and shapes - the fish and plants and corals and anemones, all in a bewildering array of colors - all the colors of the rainbow and many more besides.
"To The Smoking Hole!" he shouts back over his shoulder.
"What is the Smoking Hole?" you ask, then the pair of you swim over a ridge of coral, and you see it.
It is frankly incredible: a gigantic hole in the bottom of the sea: it is so big, you can hardly see the other side of it. Looking down, you almost feel vertigo: it stretches down further than the eye can see, disappearing into darkness far below.
And it really does smoke: dark wispy clouds rise up from the black water far below, filling the water up here with a rough sulphury stench that makes you blink your eyes and cough as it reaches your eyes and gills.
You and Hermakles tread water above a little coral hollow at the edge of the Smoking Hole. Looking around, you finally gain an idea of the sheer size of the reef: it must be miles across! Looking about, you see a small crowd of merfolk nearby swimming at the edge of the Smoking Hole. "Who are they?" you ask, pointing toward them.
"Oh, them?" Hermakles says, following your pointing finger. "They're a bunch of fools who still follow some ancient tradition about worshiping the fires down below."
You glance at him. "You don't?" you ask.
He shakes his head. "I've never seen any fires, and even if there are, they don't do nothin' to control my life!" he declares.
You hesitate to answer that, unsure how to respond: after the things that have happened to you, you're not about to doubt much of anything without good reason. "How can you be sure?" you ask him quietly.
Hermakles give you a surprised look, then grins. "Because," he says, then reaches out and puts his arm across your shoulders. "Because I found you without help," he says, pulling you close.
You stare up into his face, surprised by the sudden turn of events. "Why- what-" you gasp, seeking something to say.
He cuts you off, leaning close and kissing you on the lips.
Your eyes widen in surprise, then close as he hugs you close to him, moaning softly with pleasure; you had never been one for seafood, but he tastes wonderful!
He breaks it off and you stare up into his eyes, your cheeks flushed, your breasts rising and falling as you gasp for breath.
Still smiling down at you, Hermakles pulls you down into the coral hollow. "Come here," he says softly, pressing his body against yours.
"No- wait. . ." you gasp, remembering who you used to be, what you used to be.
"Why wait?" he asks, then kisses you again.
You stiffen, then melt against him, surrendering to his desire. . . and yours.
Written by J-B-Hickock on 10 December 2014
A long time later, you lie beside Hermakles, wrapped in his arms: soft purple seaweed grows on the coral near the Smoking Hole. It makes a warm, soft bed for you to lie upon, and it made a warm soft bed for- other things. . .
You turn and glance at Hermakles, who holds you close in his arms; you lie with your head pillowed upon his broad rock-hard muscular chest. That isn’t all about him that is rock hard, you muse to yourself with a giggle.
You heave a sigh and cuddle closer to him, drifting off to sleep.
You awake with a start, feeling cold, your head resting on nothing; you almost fall over as you seek instinctively for the warm body you fell asleep against.
Night has fallen: the reef is dark, the water is cold. You sit up and look around worriedly. “Hermakles?” you call. “Hermakles, where are you?!”
The distant whisper of the tide is your only response.
You push yourself up and swim up out of the small hole at the edge of the Smoking Hole. You look around desperately, but there is no one to be seen: you are alone. Hermakles abandoned you while you slept.
You look around again and shiver: the reef at night seems a cold dark place; a dim silver glow of moonlight is barely enough to illuminate the outline of the coral stacks, to show that there is nothing moving now, where before everything had been a constant kaleidoscope of motion. “Hello?”you call. “Is there anyone there? Hello?!”
Again, no answer comes.
You look around once more, and you start to turn away, then stop when you see a lone merman swimming toward you. For a moment your heart leaps, thinking it is Hermakles come back to you, then you realize that this can not be him: this merman is shorter and sleeker than the rough hard merman you spent the night with.
As he comes closer, you see that he is a blue-scaled dark-haired merman with narrow red eyes. He does look sleek; his scales are polished to a bright sheen, and his bearing is light and easy and confident, as if he owns everything he sees.
The strange merman swims to a halt a little ways form you and glares at you angrily. “Where is he?” the strange merman demands.
“Who?” you ask, bewildered.
“Hermakles!” he snaps.
“I don’t know,” you reply sadly.
He stares at you, then his eyes widen with realization as he puts the pieces together. “He left you behind, didn’t he?” he says.
Despondent, you nod silently.
“He has a habit of doing that,” the strange merman says.. “I am Skander,” he says with a nod. “Hermakles owes me a lot,” he adds , a little sullenly. “he keeps leaving behind things for me, but it’s never enough to settle the debt.” He smiles at you wickedly. “But you’ll do!”
You stare at him, confused. “What do you mean?” you ask. “I’ll do for what-MMPH!” You never even heard the second merman swimming up behind you: he slaps his hand across your lips, cutting off your speech.
With his free hand, the burly merman behind you drags your hands together behind your back and holds them there while he wraps a length of seaweed rope around your wrists.
Skander watches as his henchman ties you up, binding your hands to your tail so you cannot swim. “Bring her along, Dimakles,” he says with a negligent gesture, then turns and swims away.
Written by J-B-Hickock on 26 December 2014
Held in Dimakles’ arms, you are taken away through the reef.
How could this happen? You wonder, staring about you helplessly as you are borne away. How could they just kidnap you like this, with no fear or worry, acting as if this is completely normal. With a little embarrassment, you admit to yourself that you don’t know that this isn’t normal.
Looking around, you see there is still no one around: the reef that was so lively and filled with life and motion during the day, is now as dark and dead as some city’s dark back alleys.
“What are you going to do with me?” you ask worriedly, looking toward Skander, who swims ahead of you.
Skander glances over his shoulder at you, then turns back forward again. “That depends,” he says gruffly. “For now, we are taking you back to my place, to show you to potential buyers; if there isn’t enough interest I’ll keep you there and make you work for your keep until I arrange something, possibly selling you to the Octopodes for lunch.” He throws a satisfied wicked grin over his shoulder at you, meeting your horrified gaze. “But I’m there are plenty of people who would love to have a sweet little ‘maid like you: the Sea King would love to have you for a pet. And it’s not only the Octopodes who get hungry,” he adds. He grins at you again, then turns forward once more.
“Please-” you croak. You clear your throat then start agin. “Please don’t!”
“Sorry, girl!” he shouts. “I have to recoup my expenses somehow; it’s just your luck that you’re it!” He glances once more at you over his shoulder. “If you don’t like it, you should take it up with Hermakles - or maybe you should never have taken up with him in the first place!”
You cannot hold back a helpless whimper, and tug against the seaweed rope binding your hands and tail, but the rope is strong, the knots hold firm, and Dimakles’ grip on you is as strong as steel.
He grunts and tightens his hold on you, making you whimper once more. “Be still!” he snaps.
Unlike the comforting strength of Hermakles, that felt protective to nestle against, Dimakles’ strength is harsh, uncompromising, forcing your body to bend against his as he bears you away after Skander.
The two villainous mermen bear you away, helpless to stop them; their course takes them deeper into the reef, swimming down into a broad dark trench; a few anemones are placed to show the course of the watery lane, but otherwise it is almost blind. Skander and Dimakles, however, move through the darkened waters with the ease of long practice.
They bear you around a sharp turn of the trench, then with a shout, a burly merman leaps out of a shadow and clubs Dimakles over the head with the butt of a trident: it’s Hermakles!
Written by J-B-Hickock on 27 December 2014
Stunned, Dimakle lets go of you, and you fall; you cry out in fear as you drop, but in the thick water you fall slowly and land gently on the coral and seaweed.
But Hermakles does not stop with one blow: he follows Dimakles as he weaves back, clumsily trying to ward off Hermakles’ blows, but the smaller merman darts about the thug, rapping at him and beating him with the butt of his trident.
Hermakles turns away from the beaten Dimakles to face Skander who rushes at him, a sharp bone knife in hand. He leaps at Hermakles with a shout, holding the dagger first, but Hermakles ducks under the sharp point. The points of his trident dig into the coral, and he smartly reverses it, plunging the blunt butt into Skander’s belly.
The villainous merman grunts weakly as Hermakles strikes him, then doubles over around the trident. Hermakles raises the trident high, then you flinch away as he strikes Skander one last time.
You look up withwide eyes as Hermakles bends over you, picking at the seaweed rope binding you. “What did you do?!” you cry in shock.
“What I had to,” Hermakles says casually, loosening the knots.
You unbend as the rope binding your hands to your tail give way and leap up to stare Hermakles in the eyes. “What did you do?!” you cry out again.
He shrugs. “I knew I could never pay back Skander everything he wanted, but I knew that he’d come out of his hole for something like you; so, I just let him know that you’d be there alone, then I came here and waited for him and his bully-boy to come back, and- well, you know the rest,” he says.
“You used me!” you cry, heartbroken.
“So what?” he says dismissively. “Everything’s fine.”
“Everything’s fine for you!” you snap.
He shrugs again. “Well, yeah.”
You stare at him in broken silence for a long moment, then you turn and swim away from him. And you never look back.
Written by J-B-Hickock on 28 December 2014
The end (for now)