Eastern Dragoness
You see a long dragon costume and put it on. It feels very awkward, but you just barely fit in.
As soon as you do up the zipper, you feel a stretching sensation as you feel the costume stretching your neck and torso like a piece of taffy. Your nose and mouth stretch to fit the costume's draconic muzzle. Your spine extends so that it fits the costume's tail. Your hands and feet reform themselves into claws. Scales soon cover your body. The changes finish with your spine reforming itself into a serpentine shape.
Soon you realize that you have been transformed into what the costume was; an anthropomorphic eastern dragon.
Before you can take in the reality of your new form, the room vanishes, revealing that you are in the sky.
Gravity begins to pull you to the ground, but you realize that your species is able to fly, and you immediately begin to slither through the clouds.
It works. You don't know how, but you're flying.
You are high above the ground. You try and get your bearings. directly below you, a river flows towards a lake. In the distance, on the other side of the lake, there appears to be a small village. Closer to you, there is a mountain range, and you can see what appears to be a cabin on the nearby mountain.
Now what do you do?
Written by m on 26 January 2014
The end (for now)