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The costume escape emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar


Lerru stands with a wolf suit open for you. You know what you have to do and what will happen when you do. The dark costume, similar to the one that transformed you waits mere inches from you and your attacker mere yards behind. You leap at the suit; into the suit; and once you've gotten it on, you stand in his path. Your journey comes full circle as his large paw comes at you in nigh slow motion, cutting the life from you. And, as told, with his killing of you, the one who guarded you would kill him. But death is not your only path. With your leaving of this world, you are destined onward to another. You must become the wolf now, in another land and another time...

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 29 November 2013

Male Forest
Male Cave
Male Your shared apartment
Male Somewhere else
Both A new body

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