With no way to be sure what is around the corner you creep low and stalk throughout silently. A can shakes as a ratlike feral shoots out and into the gloom-ridden shadows of another building off in the distance. The smokey dust of the beaten street whips in and out of the buildings, obscuring you sense of smell for the time being. Proceeding further into the city, you stick close to the buildings as you near the street's intersection. A low rumbling sound approaches your position from up the street and around the corner. Dashing into the building, you take cover beneath the shroud of it's shadow. As the sound comes closer it gets terrifyingly loud and in response your ears lay back to block it out. Just when you think you'll need to cover them with your paws, the sound stops and the place becomes quiet enough to hear a pin drop. An eerie feeling befalls you and the cold wind eats at you while your mind tries to fathom what could be outside. The fear races in and throughout your form, consuming you. A few voices shatter the quiet and call out from where the sound had stopped. Standing with your back to the wall and just inside the doorway of a building, you haven't managed to see what's happened as of yet. The voices move off a ways and you peek your maw out to catch a look at what's going on.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 06 November 2013