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Abandoned Room emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You awaken in a dusty room, staring blankly at a tattered and paint splattered ceiling. A fan hangs from the aching panels and slowly turns. There is no power, the fan turns by way of the wind. As you stand, your two silver tipped tails swirl about in conjunction to keep your slim frame balanced. You sway forward but catch yourself on the brown stucco wall. As your paw comes down on the broken wall the plaster beneath gives way and you fall through the wall. The outside light shines down on you with the wind whipping about your whiskers and ears. A whole street of decrepit houses lay before you. Everything seems horribly desolate and deserted. Broken columns, overturned cobblestone, broken wood and frayed fabric hangs about in drab fashion about your entire surroundings. You stand once more, supporting yourself on a far more sturdy section of the wall than that which had just given way.
You look up to notice an odd sight. Overlooking the desolate urban landscape is a greenish sky and three suns. The wind whips throughout the hollow grey building. A few rusted cans and bushels of litter line the street. As you step out into the street a bird_or what seems to be a bird swoops low and clips your back. As you duck and cover your ears the winged thing speeds off screeching at the sky. This new mysterious place seems abandoned, possibly for a long time now. You catch a glimpse of a corpse laying in an open doorway across the street; another fox, from the look of it. You look away, trying to keep your composure as fear begins to settle in the pit of your stomach.


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 05 November 2013


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