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It's the eleventh day and as you wake gently once more you believe it to be another slow day but as the scents of the sea waft to you they carry with them another, somewhat familiar, scent. Other gryphons are near. But it smells like they don't want to socialize. They've found your scent and aren't happy that you've stepped into their territory. You take your food and recede farther into the cave. As the light begins to fade from view, another kind of light begins to shine from the depths. A blueish light starts to consume the entire area as you continue on. The source of the light is bio-luminescent animals. The small creatures move about amongst their own light. The scent of the other gryphons seems to be right on your tail and you're forced deeper and deeper. All through what seems like the night you journey deeper and deeper. The thoughts of flight and the sky fill you to the brim just before fear sets in. It consumes you and you nearly shake as you run faster and deeper. Having lost the scent of the gryphons now, after hours and hours of fleeing, the only left to run from is your own mind. Everything seems as if it's getting smaller and the walls seem too close for comfort. The light begins to change colors into many different shades. The animals all begin to disappear at this depth. Bewildered but driven, you press onward and downward into the depths. You feel alone and cold, longing for the sky and air. The only air available to you seems thick and musty. All you want is to fly again but the confines of your underground prison forbid any relief. The light even fades now as so few animals are this deep and the rocks ahead seem too slippery to traverse. As you're about to turn back you could swear that you hear voices. The voices from within the depths beckon you onward and for hours more you journey. Days seem to have passed and you haven't slept since you started into the mountain. Dreary and feeling that the voices are getting nearer you rush ahead recklessly. A slip of your paw and a long fall leave you broken at the bottom of a chasm. The light fades finally and nothing but pain seems surround you.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 06 May 2013

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