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Cold emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

he sky isn't the only thing changing however. The weather is getting colder as you ascend the mountain side and with the sun setting it is cooling even more. You have to get to the other side and find somewhere for the night before the dark and cold get to you. Never have you tried to fly in the dark and it isn't easy for you. Thankfully you've got a few minutes of light left. For what seems like an eternity you continue to fly higher and higher into the frigid air. The freezing temperatures begin to effect your wings and your muscles hurt from the great stress. Just as you finally cross the top your wings give out. You try to control your decent but your speed picks up as you near the rock face. The gray becomes a black as the last bits of light fade. The lack of moonlight leaves you nearly totally blind. At the last moment you're able to right yourself and stop from slamming into the mountain side. The only problem now being that you've no where to land. You cannot see and scent doesn't help you here. Trying your best to keep calm, you descend again, slower than before. As the first bits of rock are felt under your paws you let up on your wings and you do not fall. You feel around for what seems like hours until you finally collapse on the ledge and sleep deeply.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 23 April 2013


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