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Talk back and learn medical emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You smirk and respond with a million ways the magic could lose by you giving in and the voice stops dead. You internally smile and hear the voice swear at you then fade away. You glance at the nurse and ask her to repeat what she was talking about and you get into a long discussion on different medical techniques and ways that they can be improved then she shows you how to properly splint an arm or leg. You watch with rapt attention then blink as she goes on to show you which types of poultice you should use to disinfect, clean, and sterilize any cuts or scrapes. She then shows you a few things that will take away bruising, discoloration, and swelling. You blink amazed at the cornucopia of knowledge she contains then smile ruefully as you think of the plethora of things those back home would call madness and a debauchery of medical science.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 16 April 2013

Male Another day done

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