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First Kill emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Your morning comes slowly as the somewhat sleepless night you've had is compounded by the damp early morning ground. The sun still rises from behind the trees as you prepare yourself for the morning hunt. The freshly dew covered grass crunches ever so slightly beneath you with every paw step. A large mammal is laying, unbeknownst to your presence, a few feet before you. With every muffled movement you edge closer to your meal and then strike. The blow is quick and the effect immediate. With a snap of your beak and a rend of one well placed talon, you've slit the creature's throat and taken it's life. You proceed to devour your meal just as the sun breaks the treetops, beckoning you to the sky once more. Just as you've had your fill you take to the sky again. The air lifts you again while all sounds on the ground disappear. Clouds become your friends and southward winds your enemy. Most of your day is spent battling the fierce oncoming winds but regardless of the challenges, flying remains your greatest experience. A tinge of withdrawal envelopes you as you are finally forced to land for the evening. A small cave dots the the only clearing for over a mile and seems a fine resting place for the night. You recede into it's small depths and sleep heavily, exhausted from the day's activities.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 09 April 2013

Female Storm

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