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Talking emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

After a while a few of the villagers notice you and ask if you're ok. You smile and wave away their concerns then slowly start to scrub yourself down as your head clears. After a bit you start to join in the discussions going on around you, most of which consist of the ceremony. A few of the older girls warn you that it's basically a hunt where you'll have to be fast if you want your own pick of a mate, and the youngers start sizing each other up as far as competition goes. Some mumble about your prowess and how a lot of the males are going to go after you and you hold up a hand to stop them. They look at you questioningly and you say softly "I don't plan on being caught, so you can take your pick of targets." They smile in appreciation at the gesture then go back to their conversation, feeling a little more lighthearted. A few of them talk about trying to snag the eyes of the alpha, but you just snort and close your eyes not really caring to pay attention when they ask your opinion.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 08 April 2013

Male The Hunters

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