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She motions for you to follow her and you nod to say lead on. She turns and starts for a large hut on the very edge of the village that is surrounded by herbs, and has bundles of dried herbs hanging from the roof of it. She motions for you to enter as she bends down and starts collecting herbs from the garden out front. You slowly walk up and knock on the door then the old woman's voice says loudly "Enter child, I know who you are, and I've been waiting for you most of the morning." You slowly walk in and she motions for you to sit down across from her. You slowly do as she commands with a questioningly look and she smiles at you then says softly "You've entered your estrus child. Which for one who's not been female all that long, it must be a strange feeling." You nod feeling heat radiating from your loins and she smiles knowingly.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 23 March 2013

The end (for now)

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