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Big Prey emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Over the next few days the water recedes further and further until, on the 10th day, it is low enough to hunt on the ground once more. Game is rare however, and your many tries fail. You're hunting does finally pay off, with a mammoth sized mammal which doesn't see you coming. You crouch, lunge, and hit your target dead on with deadly precision. Each talon digs deep into the animal but the beast does not fall. You're locked onto the beast's back; dug in talon deep. The large animal tries to shake you again and again. A final shake sends you flying into a nearby tree and knocking you senseless for a few seconds. The forest lends you a hand as the leaves break your fall.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 13 March 2013

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