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Alone at Home emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You sit in your room and think back to how working was and smile slightly at the memory. After a few minutes you shake the memories away and start eating ravenously. You didn't know it when you started, but forge work causes one to develop a healthy appetite. As you eat a few of the people around the village you've started to get close to, come in and start talking with you about how things have been going for you lately. You laugh and tell them all about the work you've done for the forge, the weaving, and so much more. The only thing you really leave out is that you know how to work with leather in this world. You also leave out the fact that you've started to have dreams about being part of the pack, and about coming back once you're back to normal and you've fixed up your life.

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 12 March 2013

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