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The Sixth day emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

he sixth day comes far too quickly for you as you awaken violently to loud thunder and lightning cracking the sky along with nearby trees. Lightning lights up the night all throughout the forest, turning it to day for a short while before leaving you blind once more in the dark. The wind whips all about you as the shelter wanes in it's wake. The water is finally beginning to rise as the rain drives harder than you've ever seen it. With the ground saturated from all the rain the water has no where to go and continues to rise. You are forced to abandon your fledgeling shelter. Wind pounds at you forcing your wings closed and makes it so you cannot fly. Forced to higher ground by the raising water level, the pillar is your only sanctuary. Struggling through the water and making it to the top of the pillar you wait out the storm. S

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 07 March 2013

Stormy wheather

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