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Feeding emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Unfamiliar trees and odd sounds unnerve you, yet beckon you onward into the unknown before you. Driven by your veracious hunger, you venture onward and into the forest. The thickness of your paws and the instinct to hunt allow you to traverse the rough ground with utter ease. With ears keenly sensing about you in every direction and your movements swift but smooth, you hunt. A small animal crosses your path and you strike out at it swiftly. The initial strike falls short and the creature gets a lead away from you. It's smaller size does not lend it the speed to keep you away though and your second strike rings out clear as day. Now, with your meal in maw you return to your pillar. Setting down at the base of the monolythe structure, you devour your prey as the sun begins to set on your day and it comes to a close. You lay peacefully on your side at the base of the pillar with a full belly. Sleep takes you until the next morn.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 31 January 2013

In the morning and a choice

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