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Awaken emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You awaken when you hear the guards talking and quickly sit up, not wanting to be taken advantage of, though a slight chill passes through your body and a small voice whispers "It might be fun to try things as a woman." You shake your head and ignore the voice then slowly shift around to where your feet are over the side of the bed. You climb to your feet and shake your head then walk to the water bucket and splash it on your face. With a shock you realize someone replaced the warm water with cold and shiver slightly before shaking your fur dry. As you stop shaking you realize you have to pee so you quickly walk over to the hole in the ground and squat down instinctively. Afterward you hear the sound of liquid hitting dirt and feel a lot of relief. You slowly stand up and watch as the guards step aside and a large wolf with tribal markings going up his arms, chest, back, and muzzle walks into the cabin. He studies you and the voice says "Back down and submit now, or you may not live to regret it."
You ignore the voice and warily watch the wolf as he smirks and says "So the new young bitch thinks she has the right to look at the alpha without being submissive, that's different. I didn't expect anyone who was held captive to have a backbone, I guess I was wrong. That means you're a very interesting she-wolf, care to tell me your story?" You think about it then slowly nod. He watches you as you open your mouth and start to explain to him all about a made up life, you can't stop the words once they start. Eventually you tell him you left your old pack and are currently looking for a new one, he watches you and slowly nods then says "You are either brave or foolish to have left your pack, however I'm more inclined to believe brave since you stood up to me. With that said I believe I'll let you join my pack, and we'll see how you fit in." You're tail unconsciously wags at the thought but you don't notice as the Alpha smiles at you then walks out and says something to the guards.
The guards leave your door, basically meaning you now have permission to leave your house whenever you wish, but it also means that anyone who wants to come in can now do so. You sigh wondering how you managed to concoct such a real sounding story as you're suddenly swarmed by all the females in the camp. They start talking to you in rapid voices that cut each other off after every word until the eldest of them yells "QUIET!!!!!!" The girls stop dead and the old one studies you. She slowly sniffs the air around you then says softly "Ye are a magical one, aren't ye girl." You stare into the old ones eyes and shiver as you can see that she is indeed able to sense the magic around you, and knows more than any other about such things.
You slowly nod your head in agreement and she smiles slightly then says "Tell us your true story girl and we'll keep it among ourselves." You feel the urge to trust the old one and slowly explain to her all about the magic shop and how you got here. She listens for a while then nods slowly and says "Ah, so that explains why ye didn't back down when faced with the Alpha as most young girls do." You look at her and she explains pack hierarchy, and how the younger males and females usually must submit to the alpha. You slowly nod in understanding as she continues to explain then blink as she explains that the alpha is now interested in you because you refused to back down. You stare at her slightly surprised and she laughs then explains about how the alpha has yet to settle down, and has always looked for a strong mate that wouldn't back down. You slowly explain to her about the voice you hear and she sighs then says softly "Child, that voice is the voice of the magic. It's trying to make you think as it believes you should. If you give into it you will be female in mind, as well as body. I know what I'm saying sounds strange, but it's completely true."

Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 26 November 2012

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