Modern Times
You turn around and to your suprise you see a modern city, equipped with all the modern scents and modern sights, the drift of cars over pavement, the glint of skyscraper windows as they pointed like jagged stakes at the sky. You feel something between your breasts, resting on the soft flesh that you weren't quite comfortable with. Lifting a chain you find a key and an address.
You look around for the street and soon are lost in the middle of the city, street names seeming to blur together and each little dive building seeming to look like the next. You head towards the nearest tall structure to get a good look of the cities, not quite daring to go inside yet, simply looking out from the base of the structure before spotting an imposing building, large, made of fairly solid looking brick. The front sign reads 'University of Leeu.' Thankfully, they're fairly close to a civil service station. You find a map of the city posted on one side, simply unable to conceive talking to someone in your current form.
it is not too far of a walk, though you can't help but give a little jog, your body naturally falling into the motion, as though it's even more comfortable than a gentle stroll. Soon you arrive at the apartment, following up a flight of stairs as quickly as your seemingly spring loaded new body will take you..
You check out each of the rooms in turn.
The 1st room you head into is the bedroom. A double bed, perfect for a mate you think for a moment and then clamp down on the thought. A closet probably filled with stuff you don't want to think of just yet. A book on the bed 'So you are now a lioness' by 'The 'Wizard' . "How thoughtful of him" you think
Next is the bathroom. A shower and bath combo, big enough for your whole body to lie down in. It is decorated with a more feminine touch then you would like but thankfully not to over the top.
Living room, decent sized tv, a rather nice looking laptop, couch, door out to balcony. same traces of femininity from the bathroom.
Balcony, small but a good view of the city itself, running over the flat roof tops of the nearby university, the long stretches of grass that seemed at least somewhat familiar. You lick your lips seeing the deer grazing on the grass.
Kitchen, Stove,fridge,freezer , all the basics inside, probably enough food to comfortably live on for a week, mostly meat, you notice. You notice something else, a little envelope with a letter inside?
You open the envelope and pull out the letter, reading it
Welcome new resident,
I am assuming you are from 'elsewhere.' We have studied the legends passed down many centuries by our ancestors and believe that this apartment will be where you will come to, that you were somehow meant to be drawn to this exact spot. How exactly you've come here is unimportant, simply know that we are very glad you've finally arrived!
We believe that this time has been selected as a special one, though how exactly has been lost to the ages, our traditions having been oral, translated over time, dodgy at best. This is an hour of great need, one in which we will need all of our peoples if we are to understand a recent and potentially historically significant event. The means of your travel should have provided you with the necessary knowledge to help us determine what exactly has been found, though we will do our best to inform you as well. We are most glad to have you, and thank you in advance for any service you may be willing to provide for our cause.
Professor Leo S. Felidae
Associate Dean of Leeu University.
The letter ends with a telephone number for the university to contact if you feel like helping. At the same time, you don't feel as though you necessarily have to, you've just been shoved into a new world with a new body, you could just as easily enjoy it... Or try to find some way out of it. You stand there with the letter in your hand, staring at nothing in particular as all the possibilities pass over your mind.
Written by Catprog + Sal_Lilith on 17 May 2012