Meet the natives
As you look around you see another unicorn approaching. As he gets closer, you can see he is male by his flat, defined chest, and the large sheath dangling between his hindlegs. He waves to you "I guess you came here through a costume?" You nod, not sure yet of yourself, still trying to come to terms with the idea of being a female unicorn taur. He continues, "You would think the wiazrd behind it all would give the newcommers at least some clothing, in addition their house"
"Wh...what the... whh...???" Is all you can manage to utter, unable to process all that had happened in the last few minutes, you also realise at this time that your voice has gained a higher and more feminine tone to it.
"Well you're now in the costumeverse. A multiverse where all mythogical creatures could come, though there are now some fictional creatures here too. You should have been given some skills usefull to us through the costume. While you live here you have a house here, they recognise the specific magical sigintaures of their owners. As you can see this is the unicorn world. Here, magic is high and tech is low. There are other creatures here but none of them are costumed people. Any questions?"
"How did I become this?" you say gesturing to your body.
He smiles "You put on a costume right? That turned you into one of us. Now would you like to see your home?"
"First I want to know, why the hell am I female?!" you manage to say.
"Simple, you put on a cotume that was a female. Their was a male room but it looks like you did not find it. And as for clothes there should be some inside your house."
You have a very disappointed look on your face, "But... is... is there a way I can be male again?"
"Sure just find a male costume and wear it. That is also how you become your old self, wear a number of costumes. Or you could stay in this world if you like but that means staying as you are."
"No thank you. I don't want to be female. Where are the costumes?" You say, very eager to be returned at least to being a male, with all the familiar male workings, like a cock.
"Ah. well. That is a trickey question. generaly you should find one with a day's work but you can't wear it until you have been here for a while." He replies sounding a bit sorry for you.
"So until then..." You sigh, realising you're stuck like this for a while then. "I'd better make the best of this..."
"Thats the spirit" he says "it is only about a fortnight. If you would follow me please". he heads off towards the town you see in the distance.
Written by Disota & Catprog on 30 January 2012
The end (for now)