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Giggle emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"So do you remember anything before your transformation?" You ask.
He nods and then clears his throat, eyes looking off in the distance. "Yeah, I was... well... I was female. I had long, brown hair that went to my waist. It's... it's so weird not having my body anymore though... I missed it. And this body has such a libido. I can't even keep up with it. I-..." He trails off, then looks at you. "Shit, I'm sorry, that must have been so awkward. I wasn't trying to... I mean, shit. I'm sorry."
You can't help but giggle at how flustered he is at his inability to communicate.


"Why are you sorry?" you ask, eyes fluttering in fake innocence.
"Because I must be making you awkward. I mean, if some jungle guy started talking to me about libido, I'd be fairly concerned," he said, voice trailing off.


"I used to be a dude, I know how the libido goes. Don't worry, you won't make me uncomfortable."
Through his bright orange fur, you can see his cheeks turn bright red. A smile forms and you rest your head on his shoulder.
"One thing I don't miss," he said, "is having my period." He smiles at you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that."

Written by kergiby on 04 January 2012

Both Ew

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