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Gathering Firewood star star star emptystar emptystar

"So what kind of work do you want to do?" You look at your guide and say, "I don't know. I guess I'll help with the wood. Can't be too hard. Where do we take it?"


He smiles and points to the pile of wood that is being gathered. You groan, realizing most of what you're asking is obvious if you'd take the time to look around and actually see what's around you. He laughs, "Yep, you're definitely new. The older ones tend to just start as soon as they can, and know what to do."


You spend the afternoon gathering wood and as the sun sets they light the bonfire. You sit, slightly apart from the main group, still slightly uncomfortable, watching the food cooking, feeling a bit accomplished for having done something useful for the group.


Your guide then comes up "How did your first day go?" You smile, feeling a bit more used to him being around. "It went pretty well, though I'm a little sore. Where did you disappear to?"


'"I am a diver / newbie guide, so I was out fishing"

Written by Catprog & Kendareru on 17 February 2011

The end (for now)

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