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Soon he gives up and tries to dig a new hole which you treat the same way -- in fact, this time the hole appears to fill itself in while he’s watching. He then looks around to try and see the source of this interference. He even looks right at you -- but of course all he sees is a perfectly normal fox, so his eyes pass right over you.


You notice the other villagers have noticed and a quietly snickering an once again you find your power increasing although not as big a jump as yesterday. Well, a lot of the people saw you in action yesterday; perhaps you just can’t get power from any one person more than once? Either that or you still had a bit of power from them.


You look up and notice the sun right above you. Midday, still a couple of hours till afternoon and time to go back to your home. Maybe you could have fun with this guy or move onto another person.


Your decision however is interrupted by a loud rumble from your stomach. food before you do anything else.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 09 February 2011

Steal a chicken

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