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To the village emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

And now to the village to do more pranks. And you can still feel some of the power from yesterday. Come to think of it, that’s interesting; since when does your own power depend on, or get affected by, the behavior of other people? Curious, that. And worth investigating!


Well maybe the 9-tails would know. Of cause you would have to find her first. But she was there when you came to the village the 1st time and when you returned. So if you prank the human village again maybe she will meet you tonight.


So you cast a glamour on yourself and head to the humans again. When you arrive in the village, you find no trace of the festival from yesterday. Wait -- no traces, not even loose bits of trash or footprints? They cleaned everything up that fast? How is that possible? Or... maybe the festival was an illusion on a grand scale? A nine-tails would surely be able to pull off a glamour of such size and complexity.


But how did you get power as the villagers saw your glamor. More questions for her tonight. But for now, someone needs a prank. There’s a victim out there, just waiting for you to mess with their mundane existence, and all you have to do is find them! Of cause not a lot of people are in the village, most people are out working the fields.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 06 February 2011


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