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"Just these,” you say, removing book after book from your pouch. And when you’re done, the pile of books in front of you contains well over a hundred different volumes -- far more than ought to fit inside you, by any rational measure. Oooh! you think. I want to keep the pouch!


"I see you found Bruce's Bodily Encapsulation. It last for about a day and a lot of the weight is carried by it and not you. I don’t recommend using that spell constantly, however. About 2 out of 3 days , if you do it too much more you start turning kangaroo.”


"Oh,” you reply. "And does it have any bad side-effects?”


The sphinx blinks in surprise at this question, but does not choose to answer it. "I don’t think you have looked through all the books. It will take me all night to copy all the books. could you read through and cut the list down?” she asks you.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 03 January 2011

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