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So how are you going to find the good spells in the millions of books here? Well, you recall from your own time as a sphinx that you liked to keep everything nice and neat and orderly; although it's an effort, you can adopt that mindset again... and after doing so, you decide that the books are organised by subject matter, and there's probably some sort of catalogue or index around here somewhere. And sure enough, you find that index!


It is divided by school and power levels. Now what spells to get? To ask the question is to answer it: Transformation spells, obviously. They're the most fun!


There is a list of spells ,a description of each and what book it is in.


You pick a spell that according to it's description would make you much stronger. the book is right up the top of a shelf though. You fly up and grab the book and return to the ground before turning to the page and reading the spell.


You then cast the spell and you feel your muscles bulk up and looking in a mirror you see that you look quite bulky and not very good looking.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 31 December 2010

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