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Running star star emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to just run there, after all it is far away and you only have a week to be in this body you like so much. You start off as a jog down the hill and back on flat ground. you can't see the city any more through the trees, but you can hear it with you fox ears. You break out into a run. You gasp as the speed you have! then again in the games Tails is almost as fast as sonic is. The wind blowing in your fun felt good, and when it was blowing under you dress you though the breeze was a little more then just nice. Your very fast and you run on the ground and around trees and once through a loop. Soon you get to a big open field and can even see the city off in the distance. it couldn't be more then a mile ahead of you now. The tails you have were lifting your dress up from behind as you ran. you like tails, but maybe you need to make a tail hole so this doesn't happen again. Seeing as you use to be a boy before the new girl side of the body was cool. You really liked the fact that you no longer had that thing between your leg as you ran. Just then you had a though. you start to spin your tails and your speed gets a fast boost! soon your not even running any more, but using your tails to just push your body to the city at almost sonic speeds.


Soon you reach the city and you stop. you feel great now and you haven't even broken a sweat.

Written by Dustomega on 24 November 2010

The end (for now)

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