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Little Fox Girl. star star halfstar emptystar emptystar

The walls around the room faded away and all around you was a forest. You look around and smile. "So this is sonic's world! Oh man I can't wait to explore." You take a few steps and notice that you are wearing a pink dress. you look at it and wonder why you, as Tails, are wearing girl clothes. You know you are in a new fox body, but something is bothering you. you lift up the dress and see a pair of white panties hugging your lower area. You gulp and hope that what you are seeing is some kind of a joke. you reach down and place the palm of your gloved hand on the front of the panties. ones you touch it you let out a gasp and pull away the dress falls back in place. "this can't be! I thought Tails was a boy!" You have tail's voice. It sounds just like it does from the games. "Tails is a girl!?....I am a GIRL!?"


To your shock you find that your gender has changed. But is this a good thing or a bad thing to you?

Written by Dustomega on 21 November 2010

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