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<br/>You feel angry at the mage who created the necklace; how could he have gone to all that trouble to make a device which grants the boon of new life, and at the same time deny its users the glorious full experience of—aargh! What's so 'glorious' about having a belly full of temporary parasites? Sure, it's necessary, but getting it over and done with is a good thing! <br/> <br/>But... how soon will it be over? You have no idea. It would be prudent to prepare for the worst, which means ensuring a decent supply of food to satisfy your (current) unnaturally severe appetite. Accordingly, you cast the fattening spell on each of the pantry's remaining carcasses. Hmmm... what if you cast the spell on a carcass you've already fattened? That should extend your food supply even further, or so you hope. So you try it... and you are rewarded with a large pop, and countless fragments of fat and meat spread out over the entire room. <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 15 November 2010

Female oops

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