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Swim and fly away star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>Your head starts pounding again. The air rushing past you helps clear your head, a little, but you're still not at all well. stupid hangover you think and you look down for a place to land out of the reach of the former humans... aha! You see a river -- one of those which feeds that lake! And you're flying upstream, so if you land here, you'll have that much more time before the new otters catch up to you. <br/> <br/>You land and try to sort out what happened last night. The water should help; you dive in and paddle upsteam, away from your pursuers. Unfortunately, you never do manage to piece together a coherent sequence of events—you were just too damned drunk! <br/> <br/>After half the day has gone the river has turned into a narrow stream and you have to walk. At no time did you notice any signs of pursuit; it would seem that you got clean away! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 06 November 2010

Female Consequences

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