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Drunk casting star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>The nice man who give you that mug has most of your attention, but with your sensitive ears (much more acute than mere human), you can't help but overhear other people's conversations. Most of this talk is ignorable, but some of it has to do with personal problems that you're sure you can help with. Someone was whining about her hair; with a single spell (that you're sure you got right!) you give her a full head of otter fur, which is obviously better. This being a fishing village, it's no surprise that some of the fishermen are complaining about their catches; your magic provides a simple solution there, too... no. You're here to have fun, not do work! After your second (or is it fourth?) mug of brew, you know what to do: You cast a spell on the barrels of liquor everyone is drinking from! It's an open-ended spell, which will 'read' the mind of whoever is drinking it and solve whatever problem is bothering them the most. Or at least that's what you think will happen, anyway... <br/> <br/>Now onto the important stuff, the dancing and the partying! <br/> <br/>As you drink you notice an owl flying up. As you remember flying a nice pair of owl wings grow out from your small ones and you smile. You then go over to the group of fisherman and as you dance, one of them turns into a very female otter girl in front of you (He was staring at your chest a bit too). He—no, she—dosen't seem to notice and continues to dance while still staring at them. The night starts to blur. you remember when you trip over the stupid fish tail and your cup goes everywhere. You pick yourself up and the tail seems to have gone. You decide to take a swim and you immediately can tell that quite a bit of speed and agility has gone but write it off as being drunk so you return to dancing. For the last dance, that kind man who invited you into the party seems to have turned himself into a nice strong male otter. You know what he wants; you want it, too; how can you resist? And as the fire dies down, both he and you return to his place... <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 04 November 2010

Female In the morning

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