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Cast and bathe star star star star emptystar

<br/>And so, when you find a conveniently placed depression, you eagerly cast the spell, and the rock-lined hollow fills with gloriously clean fluid. <br/> <br/>This water feels heavenly. You smile, your own private pool on the side of a mountain overlooking a nice valley and you eyes flutter closed as you sleep your tiredness away... <br/> <br/>You awake in the afternoon with your head underwater. good thing you have gills now. and you stick your head back out and immediately realise your eyelids are gone. This is only one of the changes. Your now an otter rather then a feline. your arms are dolphin hide and the scales from your fish tail has spread up your belly. <br/> <br/>Great you think. Even more changes I can't remove... unless their is more powerful dispelling magic in the tower. You look down at the valley and your tiny wings and you throw yourself off a cliff to start gliding, hoping to get some distance towards a village where you can get better transport. Even one of the hang gliders would be better then you are now! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 02 November 2010

Female Gliding like a brick

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