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Closing the portal plans star star star star emptystar

<br/>So how to close the portals? Well first you need to come up with a way to get into the assembly line and stop them creating more. You look through your host's notes along with your spell books; it seems that the closer you get to the end of the notebook, the worse the notes become. Apparently, your host's condition involved slow, cumulative damage to its mind. In any case, soon you believe you have come up with a spell to hold them closed for 10 minutes. <br/> <br/>You cast it and... damn. There are no windows in the factory, no way of observing what's outside while you're inside. True, there are spells for clairvoyance and so on, but the factory walls are enchanted to block all such magick. So if you want to see how well your shut-it-down spell worked, you're going to have to go outside and let the lake-water's magic change you some more! You're not pleased about that, but since you don't seem to have any choice... You slip outside; knowing exactly what to look for and in what direction to look, you see the bottles appear to have stopped thrusting by themselves but the main portal is still sucking them up while it spits out water. So now there should be no current from the assembly line. <br/> <br/>Now how are you suppose to measure how long it lasts without getting sucked in when it expires and without getting changed? The 'getting sucked in' bit is easily solved—a good, strong rope is all you need—but the 'getting changed' bit is a puzzle. An unsolvable one, you conclude, so you decide to just grit your teeth and live with it. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 30 October 2010

Female Rope Tether

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