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<br/>The creature is agreeable; unfortunately, its mind has decayed greatly. You aren't sure if the mental damage is from its transformation into a semi-aquatic monstrosity, or from the years and years it's spent underwater, isolated from any and all sentient contact. Either way, you learn nothing from the creature that might assist you in discovering how the water-gateway magic interferes with other spells. <br/> <br/>On a hunch you cast the detect spell again and you see a faint trace of the portal. It seems to be coming in through the wall rather then from anything in the room. Pointing in the direction of the strongest trace, you ask the creature, "What's beyond that wall?" <br/> <br/>"The portal" <br/> <br/>"THE portal? The one at the bottom of the funnel? It's THAT strong, that I can detect it from this distance!?" <br/> <br/>"Yes." <br/> <br/>You ponder this information. Whatever's happening in and around that big portal, it's clearly spewing out lots of magical energies, which can mess up other spells. You decide to cast a series of minor spells, the better to find out what kind of spells are or are not messed up; you don't want to think about the possible consequences if any messed-up spell alters you further, but at the same time you also need to find out more about the big portal and its associated side-effects! <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 29 October 2010

Female Cast lots of types of spells

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